The new PeakTech 2015 A offers a multitude of measurement functions for electrical measured variables for every user from industry, craftsmanship, training, hobby and the laboratory. It was manufactured according to the latest development aspects and has a double-insulated injection-molded housing with rubber coating and a tilt stand on the back, which can be removed to replace the batteries. The fuses are located underneath the stand as well, if it is neccessary to replace these. The device is working with a battery and has an LCD screen with a character height of 27 mm and a bar graph with 61 segments. The automatic range selection offers a very user-friendly operation and measured values can be easily read on the illuminated display. Due to the high overvoltage category CAT III 1000V, you can use this device safely on electrical installations and systems.
Basic Accuracy DC: +/- 0,5%
Battery: 9V Block
Capacitance max.: 400 µF
Digital counts: 4.000
Display Type: LCD
Over voltage category: CAT III 1000 V, CAT IV 600 V
Range selection: Auto
True RMS: ■
V DC max.: 1000V
A AC max.: 10A
Hz max.: 10 MHz
OHM max.: 40 MΩ
Temp. max.: 1000 °C
Temp. min.: -20 °C
mA DC max.: 400mA
mV DC max.: 400 mV
µA DC max.: 4000 µA
V AC max.: 1000V
mV AC max.: 400 mV
A DC max.: 10A
mA AC max.: 400 mA
µA AC max.: 4000 µA